With its Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS) component, Microsoft provides a public key infrastructure (PKI) solution which is fully integrated into the Windows ecosystem. We can help you to deploy it and implement the features suited to your needs.
Microsoft ADCS PKI and secure certificate management
We can advise you on which Microsoft ADCS PKI functions to deploy to create and manage the digital certificates used by your users, servers or network equipment in order to guarantee:
- Confidentiality through encryption
- Authentication of your users (software certificate, smart card, etc.)
- Authentication of your servers
- Integrity and non-repudiation of electronic signatures
- Security of communications
We also help you to secure your private keys by generating them in an HSM (Hardware Security Module) integrated with the Microsoft ADCS service.
Our support
We offer you a bespoke service to implement your PKI project:
- Audit of your existing system: deployed PKI (ADCS or other), certificate templates, Active Directory, group policies (GPO), etc.
- Organization of workshops: business scenarios, certification hierarchy, certification templates, secret holders and profiles, functional and technical architecture, use case in your business applications
- Preliminary studies: functional specifications, technical architecture
- PKI deployment in the different Active Directory domains
- Integration with your IS and acceptance
- Migration of an old PKI to Microsoft ADCS
- Project owner support: installation and configuration documents, acceptance test file, runbook, script development to facilitate operations, guide for operators, administrators and users
- Key ceremony
- Training and training support: cryptography, certificates and PKI